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Lyrical Paintings

I chose Cranes in The Sky by solange because I really respect her art and her as a person. I also chose cranes in the sky because I felt this it spoke to me because I felt that the song was unique as in productions, and the way that she presented her topic. The song is about trying to do material things to distract yourself from things that are reeling going on. This can apply to anything, but she specifically is talking about her recent divorce and all of the injustice going on in america right now race wise. I feel really close to this song because i feel that that is something that we all do, we try to distract ourselves from real life so we don't have to face our problems. She says in the song “ I tried to drink it away, I tried to put one in the air, I tried to dance it away, I tried to change it with my hair.”

For this color glazing project, we were given the prompt to find an image, paint it completely first in black and white, then go in will color washes and paint it with color. So I chose to base my painting off of an image that I found of Venice Italy. I really enjoyed this project because I learned a lot about how to manipulate paint to get the effect that you would like to do, and how values and light play into that.

Color Glazing 

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